53 books
The Ecclesiastical Class Book; Or, History of the Church from the Birth of Christ to the Present Time, Adapted to the Use of Academies and Schools
Outlines of Modern Geography, on a New Plan; Carefully Adapted to Youth with Numerous Engravings of Cities, Manners, Costumes and Curiosities Accompanied by an Atlas
A New Family Encyclopedia; Or Compendium of Universal Knowledge Comprehending a Plain and Practical View of Those Subjects Most Interesting to Persons in the Ordinary Professions of Life. Illustrated by Numberous Engravings
Questions on the Enlarged and Improved Edition of Goodrich's School History of the United States; To Which Are Added Outline Tables, for General Review, on a New Plan
A New Family Encyclopedia, or Compendium of Universal Knowledge; Comprehending a Plain and Practical View of Those Subjects Most Interesting to Persons in the Ordinary Professions of Life
A Geography of the Chief Places Mentioned in the Bible and the Principal Events Connected with Them
The Child's Book on the Creation; The First of a Series of Works on the Bible, on a Similar Plan
Travels and Sketches in North and South America
Religious Ceremonies and Customs, Or, the Forms of Worship Practised by the Several Nations of the Known World, from the Earliest Records to the Present Time; On the Basis of the Celebrated and Splendid Work of Bernard Picart to Which Is Added, a Brief Vie
The Universal Traveller; Designed to Introduce Readers at Home to an Acquaintance with the Arts, Customs, and Manners of the Principal Modern Nations on the Globe
Outlines of Ecclesiastical History; On a New Plan Designed for Academies and Schools
The Family Tourist; A Visit to the Principal Cities of the Western Continent Embracing an Account of Their Situation, Origin, Plan, Extent, Their Inhabitants, Manners, Customs, and Amusements, and Public Works, Institutions, Edifices, &C. Together with Sketche
The Bible History of Prayer; With Practical Reflections
History of the Church
A History of the Church, from the Birth of Christ to the Present Time ..
The Family Tourist. a Visit to the Principal Cities of the Western Continent
The Family Tourist
Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence (1841)
The Universal Traveller
A History of the United States of America, on a Plan Adapted to the Capacity of Youths ..
Religious Ceremonies and Customs, Or, the Forms of Worship Practised by the Several Nations of the Known World, from the Earliest Records to the Present Time
A History of the United States of America, on a Plan Adapted to the Capacity of Youth
Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence
Questions and Supplement to Goodrich's History of the United States