55 books
The Safety of Theater Audiences and of the Stage Personnel Against Danger from Fire and Panic...
Notes Embodying Recent Practice in the Sanitary Drainage of Buildings; With Memoranda on the Cost of Plumbing Work
A Guide to Sanitary House-Inspection; Or, Hints and Helps Regarding the Choice of a Healthful Home in City or Country
The Superintendence of Piping Installations in Buildings; Sanitary, Hydraulic, and Gas
Sanitary Engineering of Buildings (Volume 1)
House Drainage and Saintary Plumbing
Gas-Lighting and Gas-Fitting, Including Specifications and Rules for Gas Piping, Notes on the Advantages of Gas for Cooking and Heating, and Useful Hints to Consumers
Theatre Fires and Panics (Volume 1); Their Causes and Prevention
The Superintendence of Piping Installations in Buildings, Sanitary, Hydraulic, and Gas
The Disposal of Sewage of Isolated Country Houses
The Sanitation of Bath Houses
What Farmers Can Do to Assist in the Campaign Against Flies and Mosquitoes
The Water Supply, Sewerage and Plumbing of Modern City Buildings
Gas-Lighting and Gas-Fitting
Modern Baths and Bath Houses
Gas-Lighting and Gas-Fitting, Including Specifications and Rules for Gas Piping, Notes on the Advantages of Gas for Cooking and Heating, and
House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing
Sanitation and Sanitary Engineering
Theatres; Their Safety from Fire and Panic, Their Comfort and Healthfulness
Sanitation of Public Buildings
Theatre Fires and Panics
The American Practice of Gas Piping and Gas Lighting in Buildings
Recent Practice in the Sanitary Drainage of Buildings; With Memoranda on the Cost of Plumbing Work