519 books • 26 series
John Fletcher (1579–1625) was a Jacobean playwright who wrote prolifically for London's theatres for at least 20 years, and followed William Shakespeare as house playwright for the King's Men.
Bonduca Volume 33, No. 1; A Tragedy
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife Volume 6; A Comedy in Five Acts
A Vindication of the REV. Mr. Wesley's Last Minutes; Occasioned by a Circular, Printed Letter, Inviting Principal Persons, Both Clergy and Laity, Who Disapprove of Those Minutes, to Oppose Them in a Body, in Five Letters, to the Hon. and REV. Author of
Und John Fletcher. Dramatische Werke
The Merchant of Bruges, or Begger's Bush...
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley Volume 3
The Works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher
The Works of Beaumont & Fletcher, Volume 10
A Rational Vindication of the Catholick Faith; Being the First Part of a Vindication of Christ's Divinity; Inscribed to the Reverend Dr. Priestley
The Dramatic Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, Printed from the Text, and with the Notes of George Colman, Volume 1
Logica Genevensis, Or, a Fourth Check to Antinomianism, in Which St. James's Pure Religion Is Defended Against the Charges, and Established Upon the Concessions, of Mr. Richard and Mr. Rowland Hill
The Bible and the Sword, Or, the Appointment of the General Fast Vindicated
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley Volume 1
Checks to Antinomianism (Volume 1); In a Series of Letters to REV. Mr. Shirley and Mr. Hill
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 2)
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 9)
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 8)
Stripped Assets
The Works of the Reverend John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 4); On Evangelical Mysticism [And Other Sermons and Essays
The Works of the Reverend John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 3); The Portrait of St. Paul Tr. from a French Manuscript of the Late REV. John William de La Flechere by the REV. John Gilpin
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 7)
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 6)
The Works of the REV. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley (Volume 4)