5,559 books
Russia, Iraq, and other potential sources of anthrax, smallpox, and other bioterrorist weapons
Promoting internet entrepreneurship
The impact of fuel prices on small business
H.R. 3470, H.R. 3908, and H.R. 4044
Child Sex Crimes Wiretapping Act of 2001
Angola, prospects for durable peace and economic reconstruction
H.R. 2628, H.R. 2643, and H. Res. 261
Patent law and non-profit research collaboration
New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
IRS National Advocate annual report and IRS Oversight Board annual report
Social Security and Medicare Trustees' 2001 annual reports
Consumer directed services
Enforcement of the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act and increasing security threats from Iran
H.R. 2119, "National Historic Forests Act of 2001"
Ensuring domestic security
Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act
Implementation of the Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000
U.S.-North Korea relations after the policy review
H.R. 658, the Accountant, Compliance, and Enforcement Staffing Act of 2003 and H.R. 957, the Broker Accountability Through Enhanced Transparency Act of 2003
Small business access to technology
Regional offices
Reviewing the Sudan Peace Act report
Department of Transportation budget priorities for fiscal year 2004
Coercive population control in China