50 books
Sketch of a Journey Through the Western States of North America
Popular and Authentic Lives of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax
Personal Memories, Social, Political, and Literary
On the Railway Connections of Philadelphia with the Central West
Memoirs of the Life and Services of Daniel Drake, Physician, Professor, and Author
American Education
Memoirs of the Life and Services of Daniel Drake, M.D.
The Life and Military Services of Lieut-General Winfield Scott, Including His Brilliant Achievements in the War of 1812, in the Mexican War, and the Pending War for the Union
The Political Grammar of the United States; Or, a Complete View of the Theory and Practice of the General and State Governments
Life and Services of General Winfield Scott, Including the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, and the Battles in the Valley of Mexico, to the Conclusion of Peace, and his Return to the United States
A Popular and Authentic Life of Ulysses S. Grant (Volume 2)
The Life of General Winfield Scott, Embracing His Campaign in Mexico
The Mexican War, a History of Its Origin; And a Detailed Account of the Victories Which Terminated in the Surrender of the Capital; With the
Life of General Winfield Scott, Commander-In-Chief of the United States Army
Personal Memories, Social, Political, and Literary, with Sketches of Many Noted People, 1803-1843
Life and Services of General Winfield Scott, Including the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, and the Battles in the Valley of
The Life and Military Services of Lieut-General Winfield Scott, Including His Brilliant Achievements in the War of 1812, in the Mexican War,
American Education, Its Principles and Elements, Dedicated to the Teachers of the United States
The Political Manual
Illustrated Life of General Winfield Scott, Commander-In-Chief of the Army in Mexico
Life of General Winfield Scott
Life And Services Of General Winfield Scott, Including The Siege Of Vera Cruz, The Battle Of Cerro Gordo, And The Battles In The Valley Of Mexico, To The Conclusion Of Peace, And His Return To The United States
A Popular and Authentic Life of Ulysses S. Grant. by Edward D. Mansfield.