407 books • 5 series
The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt
The Book of the Sonnet (Volume 2)
An Answer to the Question 'What Is Poetry?' Including Remarks on Versification; Edited by Albert S. Cook
Autobiography, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries (Volume 3)
The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's Introduction and PostScript (Volume
Classic Tales, Serious and Lively, with Critical Essays on the Merits and Reputation of the Authors (Volume 2)
The Foster-Brother (Volume 2); A Tale of the War of Chiozza
The Foster-Brother (Volume 3); A Tale of the War of Chiozza
The Autobiography with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries Volume 2
Autobiography, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries (Volume 1)
Men, Women and Books
The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt (Volume 1)
The Italian Poets Translated in English Prose. Containing a Summary I Prose of the Poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso, with
Tales, Now First Collected, with Prefatory Memoir by William Knight
Poems, with Prefaces from Some of His Periodicals, Selected and Edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson, with Bibliography and Etchings by Herbert
Leigh Hunt as Poet and Essayist
The Story of Rimini
Imagination and Fancy
Poems of Leigh Hunt
The Foster-Brother
Leigh-Hunt as Poet and Essayist, Being the Choicest Passages from His Works Selected and Edited with a Biographical Introd. by Charles Kent
The Reflector
Poetical Works of L. Hunt