126 books • 3 series
The Lyrics of Ireland
Collected Writings, Volume 6...
Collected Writings (Volume 7)
Treasure Trove
The Poetical Works of Samuel Lover
Poems of Ireland
Further Stories of Ireland
The Parson's Horn-Book
He Would Be a Gentle Or, Treasure Trove
Legend and Stories of Ireland (Myths, Legend and Folk Tales from Around the World, #7)
Rival Rhymes, in Honour of Burns
Songs and Ballads
Legends and Stories of Ireland (Dodo Press)
Treasure Trove or He Would Be a Gentleman (1898)
Handy Andy, Volume Two (Dodo Press)
Handy Andy, Volume One(Dodo Press)
Handy Andy (a Tale of Irish Life), Volume 1
Handy Andy, Volume I
Handy Andy Volume 2
More Legends and Stories of Ireland
Stories by English Authors
Handy Andy, a Tale of Irish Life
Handy Andy (a Tale of Irish Life), Volume 2
Handy Andy Vol. 2