18 books
The Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar - Primary Source Edition
The German Emperor as Shown in His Public Utterances - Primary Source Edition
Briefe Und Telegramme Wilhelms II
El señor de las batallas; selección de dichos y sentencias del Kaiser Guillermo II, extraida de sus discursos, cartas y telegramas
The German Emperor's Speeches
Comparative History, 1878-1914
The Kaiser's Memoirs, Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, 1888-1918; English Translation by Thomas R. Ybarra
The German Emperor as Shown in His Public Utterances
Letters from the Kaiser to the Czar
Letters from the Kaiser to the Czar; Copied from Government Archives in Petrograd Unpublished Before 1920
Letters from the Kaiser to the Czar, Copied from Government Archives in Moscow Unpublished Before 1920; Private Letters from the Kaiser to the
The Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar
The Game of Diplomacy
The Kaiser's Memoirs, 1888-1918. English Translation by Thomas R. Ybarra
The Kaiser's Speeches, Forming a Character Portrait of Emperor William II
Germany's War Mania; The German Gospel of Blood and Iron
The German Emporer as Shown in His Public Utterances
Germany's War Mania