132 books • 7 series
Primer of Logical Analysis; For the Use of Composition Students
American Commonwealths
California, from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco [1856] (Volume 47); A Study of American Character
The Feud of Oakfield Creek; A Novel of California Life
The Problem of Christianity (Volume 1); Lectures Delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston, and at Manchester College, Oxford
The Problem of Christianity (Volume 2); Lectures Delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston, and at Manchester College, Oxford
The Religious Aspect of Philosophy (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The Problem of Christianity, Volume 1 (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The Problem of Christianity, Volume 2 (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Studies Of Good And Evil A - Series Of Essays Upon Problems Of Philosophy And Of Life
The Sources of Religious Insight (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The Conception of God (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The World and the Individual (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The Hope of the Great Community (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Lectures on Modern Idealism (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The Spirit of Modern Philosophy (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Boston City Hospital, June 20, 1914
The World and the Individual; Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen Volume 2
The World and the Individual; Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen Volume 1
The Case of John Bunyan
The Interpretation of Nature
The Moral Order
The Union of God and Man
The Struggle with Evil