106 books • 1 series
The Complete Poetical Writings of J.G. Holland
History of Western Massachusetts (Volume 1 ); The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire, Embracing an Outline, or General History, of the Section, an Account of Its Scientific Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its
Every-Day Topics; A Book of Briefs
History of Western Massachusetts (Volume 2, PT. 3); The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Embracing an Outline Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its One Hundred Towns
Complete Works (Volume 1); Bitter-Sweet. a Poem
Titcomb's Letters to Young People, Single and Married
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
Illustrated Library of favorite Song. Based upon folk songs. With an introduction, and edited by J. G. Holland. Illustrated with engravings, after designs by Church, Johnson.
The Story of Sevenoaks ... with ... Illustrations.
The Puritan's Guest and Other Poems
Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects
Gold-Foil Hammered from Popular Proverbs
The Bay-Path
The Mistress of the Manse, a Poem
History of Western Massachusetts. the Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Embracing an Outline Aspects and Leading Interests, and Separate Histories of Its One Hundred Towns Volume 2
Das Leben Abraham Lincoln's Von J. G. Holland
A Day Of Mourning
Library of Favorite Song. Based Upon Folk Songs, and Comprising Songs of the Heart, Songs of Home, Songs of Life, and Songs of Nature
Christ and the Twelve; Or Scenes and Events in the Life of Our Saviour and His Apostles
The Story of Sevenoaks
Arthur Bonnicastle
The Complete Poetical Writings of J. G. Holland
Nicholas Minturn
Gold-Foil, Hammered from Popular Proverbs...