14 books • 7 series
Book #86: The Plausability of Large-Scale, HI-Tech, Voluntarily-Funded Emergency Organisations
Book #95: The Nature of Christian Democracy
Book #114: Anarchism and Anarcho-Capitalism
Book #115: The Marxian Theory of Exploitation: a Critique
Book #30: Three Forms of Bias in Academic Instruction
Book #31: Libertarianism and War
Book #23: An Individualist Anarchist Critique of 'Intellectual Property'
Book #144: 'Society' Does Not Exist (and If it Did it Shouldn't)
Book #155: Personal and Economic Ideology
Book #175: Modern Left Multiculturalism
Book #188: Economic Freedom, Civil Freedom, and Material Prosperity
Book #12: Racism, Collectivism and Social Psychology
Book #22: The Libertarian Party of Great Britain
Book #24: The Inequalities of Arguments
Book #28: Libertarian Alliances