28 books • 12 series
Book #1: 30 Day Log
Book #2: 30 Day Log for the Everyday Weight Trainer
Book #3: Rebuilding Your Life
Book #7: PTSD Defense
Book #8: Suicide Inoculation for victims of rape, assault, trauma, and crime
Book #9: Doorways
Book #10: Defended
Book #11: I will survive
Book #9: Psychopathic Politicians and Presidents
Book #2: Agoraphobia Hope Stepping Out 54 Affirmations
Book #1: Hidden keys to creating a monstrous internet presence in days
Book #2: MORE Hidden Keys to Creating a Monstrous Internet Presence in Days!
Book #2: Run, Flee Narcissistic and Psychopath Abuse
Book #7: A Billion Rising Creative Tricksters Jabbing Bullies and Evil Clown Politicians
Book #13: Las Vegas and Sandy Hook
Book #14: Psychopathic Nation
Book #12: Roller Coasters of Summer Mania and Winter Depression of Bipolar Cyclothymia Disorder