8 books • 3 series
Book #395: Life cycle assessment of the use of solid waste materials in highway construction
Book #439: Protocol for the calculation of lif cycle greenhouse gas emisions generated by asphaly used in highways
Book #440: Further guidance to accompany the protocol for the calculation of life cycling greenhouse gas emissions generated by asphalt used in highways
Book #468: Enhanced levels of reclaimed asphalt in surfacing materials
Book #574: Further guidance on the calculation of whole life cycle greenhouse gas emissions generated by asphalt
Book #207: Linking STATS19 and Scottish Hospital In-Patient data for the SafetyNet project
Book #386: A charge structure for trenching in the highway
Book #392: Precautionary salting trials on the M62 at Goole
Book #460: The feasibility of pre-wetted treatments with uniformly-graded salt
Book #509: Review of diesel spillage clean-up procedures