23 books • 9 series
Book #2: From Kondakov to Hans Belting Library
Book #3: Inventing Medieval Czechoslovakia 1918-1968
Book #3: Plotinus and the Origins of Medieval Aesthetics
Book #11: L' Art Multiplie
Book #12: Da Bisanzio Alla Santa Russia
Book #16: L'Eveque, l'Image Et La Mort
Book #17: Iconografia Della Madre Di Dio
Book #21: Orfevrerie Gothique En Europe
Book #3: Zona Liminare
Book #4: The Fifth Century in Rome
Book #6: Ritualizing the City
Book #7: Orient Oder Rom?
Book #10: Step by Step Towards the Sacred
Book #2: The Antique Memory and the Middle Ages
Book #8: Ravenna
Book #2: Objects, Relics, and Migrants
Book #3: Oggetti, Reliquie, Migranti
Book #2: Reliquie in Processione Nell'europa Medievale
Book #5: La Cattedrale Nella Citta Medievale
Book #9: Milano Allo Specchio