182 books • 29 series
Book #3: Varangian
Book #1: English Knight
Book #3: Northern Knight
Book #4: Baron of the North
Book #8: Warlord of the North
Book #9: Enemy at the Gate
Book #15: The Welsh Marches
Book #8: The Battle for Antwerp
Book #3: Saxon England
Book #4: Saxon Blood
Book #1: Sword For Hire
Book #1: Return of the Knight
Book #6: Henry III
Book #7: The Bloody Border
Book #8: Baron's Crusade
Book #1: 1914
Book #2: 1915 Fokker Scourge
Book #3: 1916 Angels over the Somme
Book #4: 1917 Eagles Fall
Book #5: 1918
Book #3: The Lord of Valencia
Book #1: The Dragon Sword
Book #5: The Sword of Cnut
Book #1: Viking Slave
Book #2: Viking Warrior
Book #3: Viking Jarl
Book #4: Viking Kingdom
Book #5: Viking Wolf
Book #1: East Indiaman
Book #2: Captain of Horse
Book #1: Legionary
Book #3: The Road to Gettysburg
Book #1: Rebel Raiders
Book #2: Confederate Rangers
Book #1: Chasseur à Cheval
Book #2: Napoleon's Guard
Book #3: British Light Dragoon
Book #4: Soldier Spy
Book #5: 1808
Book #1: Blood on the Blade
Book #2: Across the Seas
Book #3: The Savage Wilderness
Book #4: The Bear and the Wolf
Book #6: Erik's Clan