403 books • 62 series
Book #1: Annie and Snowball and the Dress-Up Birthday
Book #2: Annie and Snowball and the Prettiest House
Book #3: Annie and Snowball and the Teacup Club
Book #4: Annie and Snowball and the Pink Surprise
Book #5: Annie and Snowball and the Cozy Nest
Book #3: Special Gifts
Book #4: Some Good News
Book #6: Wedding Flowers
Book #20: Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet
Book #22: Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House
Book #1: Henry and Mudge
Book #2: Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble
Book #3: Henry and Mudge in the Green Time
Book #4: Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon
Book #5: Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days
Book #1: The High-Rise Private Eyes #1
Book #2: Case of the Climbing Cat, the (4 Paperback/1 CD)
Book #2: The Case of the Climbing Cat
Book #2: The High-rise Private Eyes
Book #2: The High-Rise Private Eyes #2