This series was one of the very first books I read when I got Kindle Unlimited. It is very much for anyone who fell in love with Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. For an adult fiction/erotica the series has interesting world-building and an overarching plot that connects the novels loosely to eachother (though they can still be read as standalones for the most part).
I think one of the reasons I am not as enamoured with this book as the first is that there is less of this world-building and mention of overarching plot. Due to the seasonal setting there is less of a conflict with an outside enemy and so the book largely relies on infighting. The other reason I didn't love this book so much was because the books core conflict was one of my personal pet peeves (nemeses): the reused misunderstanding.
I enjoy the dual POVs and this mostly counteracted my unease at the conflict as I could reasonably understand the justification and thought processes behind both characters decisions. However, I was a little irked at the end of the book when the climatic conflict was the exact same conflict from earlier in the book. This is just a personal gripe, but if thats something that bugs you as well I suggest skipping this one as it doesn't add much to the overarching narrative.
The ending itself also felt a little rushed, however I did prefer the actual connection and chemistry between the two romantic leads than in the first novel.