Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Apr 21, 2023
Sully's story breaks the heart and inspires all at once. The things she endured would break a weak individual, but she was far from weak. One cannot help but to admire her strength, which left from the pages of the book. Everyone who comes into her orbit sees not a broken girl but one who has survived against all odds.
Callahan Whiskey aka Cowboy is one of many wonderful heroes Foster has created. He supports and protect those he love and gives of his time selflessly. His caring nature and honesty shone throughout the story especially in his interactions with Sully. Interactions which were powerful and heartwarming. They shared a strong connection, which along with their sizzling chemistry came through from their first meeting. I loved seeing them together and it was a joy watching their relationship blossom. There was a point in their relationship where it worried me that Sully was becoming too dependent on Cowboy. However, she proved she could stand on her own.
Their love for each other faces the biggest test when Sully reunited with her family. Her sister needs her but so did Cowboy. He wants what's best for her even if meant breaking his heart in two. Eventually he learns that what he thinks is best is not necessarily the right thing. A fact he learnt with a little push from Sully.
Now I never expect the story could get any more emotional, but the ending proved me wrong. The final events leading up to their Happily Ever After touched my heart in the most profound and powerful manner. As with all her previous books, Foster infused humour which added some levity, which aided in balancing out the more serious tones of the story.
For the Love of Whiskey is a powerful story of healing, overcoming one's fears, self-discovering and finding love unexpectedly. This is a story one will be hard-pressed to forget anytime soon. I know I won't. This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading