The Romantic Comedy Book Club
Meet Me In Moonshine was insanely frustrating and I couldn’t put it down! I have never wanted to jump to the end to find out the mystery person so bad in my life! Worst part, it wouldn’t have helped! You had to read the story and even then, Brooklyn had me bouncing back and forth between who the person was. Darn her and her red herrings! In all seriousness, I really did enjoy this book but wish I had read it before The Write Way for Love, not because it is necessary, but it gives a really good introduction to Adam, Billie, and Sam. Knowing their characters better, is softens the sharp edges of Adam and Billie’s brief interactions in The Write Way for Love. Back to Moonshine, this book will absorb you as you become more and more committed to Jillian and her wild goose chase of her mystery man. I even found myself looking forward to the “notes” each time! A recommended quick read for those who love that novella magic.