Kim Deister
The Weaver and the Witch Queen is not a retelling of Viking folklore but a reimagining. The prophecy of a wisewoman bound the fates of Gunnhild, Signy, and Oddny together by fate, but they are torn asunder as their lives take unexpected turns.
This is not a romance novel, although there are some romantic subplots. But at its heart, the book is about the power of women in a world and time that often subjugated women. Perhaps historically, Viking women had more freedom than those of other cultures, but there were limits. Women were still viewed as inferior to men, which made the agency of these women very engaging. In truth, it’s a story about honor, love of family/friends, and war. It is incredibly well written and utterly engrossing.
There was much to love about this book. The three girls-turned-women are very different… in how they see the world, in what they want for themselves, in how they live their lives. But they are each strong in their own individual way, fiercely loyal to each other and to the ones they love. No sacrifice is too great if it helps those they care for.
I also enjoyed the magic in the Norse setting of the book. The place that wisewomen had in the world was fascinating, as were the folk aspects of the magic system. It felt very much in keeping with the time and place of the story.
I had only two issues with the book, and they were both fairly minor. One, some of the dialogue felt a little too modern to be believable. There were moments when it took me out of the story just a little. And two, I wish there had been an epilogue. I would have liked just a little on Gunnhild’s future. There were hints as to what her future had in store for her, but I would have liked to see a little of that for myself!