Written on Jul 28, 2022
I adored Asher and Harry. Asher was flirty and charming and Harry was all grumpy and snarky and together they had a crazy amount of chemistry. But it wasn't just chemistry, there was a growing friendship and trust and lots of sugary goodness and it was just perfect. And on top of that you had the violence and the action and an actual plot - even if it was a bit light and relatively simple (hey why mess with something that ain't broke) - and it all just worked for me. My only real complaint was to do with the last chapter before the epilogue. What the hell was with the whole Asher's seen a vision of this road before and felt loved? I didn't rate it - it was unnecessary and did nothing to make the book better and everything to make it worse. But it's one scene that annoyed me versus the rest of the entire book.
In all honesty it's probably not a 5 star read, closer to a 4 - but it kept me entertained, had me swooning and put a smile on my face, so 5 it is.
And the humour was not to be missed. Afterall, how can you go past a classic like this; “I’m going to meet the guy,” Harry added. “The least you can do is tell me his name.” “It’s Oh Yunho.” Harry was quiet before he sighed.
“For fuck’s sake, Asher. If I knew, I wouldn’t have to ask. After all we’ve said about sticking together and trusting one another, and you say, ‘oh you know,’ like I already know. Which I don’t. It’s why I’ve asked you a dozen times. But if you don’t wanna say, I’ll just ask him myself.”
Asher chuckled, almost asleep. “No. His name is Oh Yunho. Surname Oh, first name Yunho.”
Walker, N.R.. The Kite (pp. 219-220). BlueHeart Press. Kindle Edition. 5 stars.