Tessa and Simon meet while waiting for a flight to New York City. Tessa, an acclaimed author, is heading there for a book convention, while Simon, a scientist, is heading there to speak at a scientific convention. This meeting, as unconventional as it is, leads to a romance that grows with each stop they make around the country and the world. As their feelings grow and deepen, Tessa must come to terms with her issues regarding commitment. And Simon has a secret that he needs to tell Tessa. But, as Tessa gathers the courage to believe in her own happily ever after, the unthinkable happens, and Tessa is forced to abandon her dreams of a life with Simon. But, two years after, Tessa comes to terms with the past and her feelings for Simon. But is it too late for that? Had Tessa missed her chance? Will she have her happily ever after?
When I read the blurb for My Goodbye Girl, the blurb immediately captured me. I am a sucker for friends to lovers and second-chance romances. So, I decided to read this book. I am glad that I did. This book was a great romance. But be warned; you will need Kleenex while reading this book. Some scenes made my heart hurt.
My Goodbye Girl is a medium-paced book. The pacing of this book was a good fit for the storyline. I wasn’t expecting that because of all the travel involved and how fast Simon and Tessa’s romance progressed. But, as I said, it was a good fit for the book. The pacing allowed me to take in each location and enjoy the nuances of Tessa and Simon’s romance.
My Goodbye Girl is set in various cities/states in the United States and several countries worldwide. I was a little meh about the United States locations because I have read about these cities (Chicago, San Fransisco, New York City, Las Vegas) in other books. But the other countries, I loved. Simon and Tessa traveled to England, Greece, the Philippines, China, and France.
The main storyline of My Goodbye Girl is centered around Tessa, Simon, and their relationship. It was a well-written storyline, and it kept my attention.
While I liked Tessa, I thought she was immature during the book’s first half. She did things that constantly made me shake my head. Example: She left Simon high and dry in Las Vegas. He waited for her, but she never showed, and then Simon saw her with the cover model of her book, and they were all frisky. She also didn’t care or didn’t pay attention when Simon explained his medical condition to her. But, thankfully, she did grow out of the immaturity. The end of the book more than compensates for her lack of caring (for lack of a better word) about Simon in the beginning. I am not a massive fan of explosive secrets, either.
I liked Simon a lot, but there were points in the book where I wanted to shake him and say, “She’s just not that interested, man.”But he was like a dog with a bone, and he wouldn’t let up. I don’t think he had any right to be mad about Las Vegas (Tessa and he were not dating at the time). I also got strong stalker vibes from him when he just showed up in Greece and crashed her brother’s engagement party. Who does that? But, I felt that his medical condition fueled his single-minded pursuit of Tessa. I also believe it was what caused him to get in contact with Tessa 2 years after Paris.
The romance angle was well-written. I liked seeing Tessa and Simon falling in love. Instead of doing an Instalove type of romance, Tessa and Simon were friends first. The same thing also happened before they had sex. They had built up a friendship. I loved seeing a romance portrayed that way. It is more real life to me than the usual “I’ve known him/her for four days, and I am head over heels for him/her.” I also wasn’t a massive fan of the mutual cheating. I know it happens, but still, I’m not too fond of it.
I wasn’t too sure what to think about the ending. I liked that Tessa was able to come to terms with her trauma and that she was able to reconnect with Simon. But the secret that she kept from Simon overshadowed everything, as did the secret that Simon somewhat kept from Tessa. Other than that, I loved how it ended and hoped that Tessa’s vision came true!!
I would recommend My Goodbye Girl to anyone over 21. There is violence, language, and sexual situations.
Many thanks to Meryl Moss Media Group, Rosewind Books, NetGalley, and Anna Gomez for allowing me to read and review My Goodbye Girl. All opinions stated in this review are mine.