The Romantic Comedy Book Club
If Cassie keeps writing like this, she will be a NY Times Bestseller in no time! Cassie’s debut novel Love Under Contract has everything you want in a romantic comedy: quirky lovable characters, grumpy vs. sunshine storyline with a fake relationship twist, smoking hot scenes, fantastic banter, and a happily ever after that leaves you wanting more.
Reading the summary on the back of the book, you believe you have a fairly good idea how the story is going to unfold. To my surprise, this book isn’t what you expect it to be. For starters, the premise is satisfied about halfway through, leaving the reader flabbergasted on what else could possibly happen. As you continue to read, you find yourself drawn further into the book, deeper into the characters, and so invested that you reach the end before you realize you haven’t let out a full exhale in quite some time (well…maybe when you were yelling “WHY?! What is wrong with you” at certain moments).
What I liked about this book: I absolutely LOVED Rebecca. While some readers may see her character and think “no one can be that determined, that focused, that cold”, I know her way of thinking, her way of logically arguing a scenario, overanalyzing, her drive, and stubbornness. She is intent on making her mark and standing strong in a male dominated world. Her “take no prisoners” attitude strikes a cord with any woman in today’s society that is called frigid, cold, heartless, or worse when she is focused her achievements, goals, and prospects. What I loved about her character is that while she was constantly determined to argue against the world, her own internal logic played devil’s advocate, catching her in moments of weakness, allowing the opinions of others to seep in, coercing her inner voice, cracking the facade and giving her new perspectives. For Rebecca, it was fighting against the black and white (live life like this OR that), and finding the shades of gray (give a little to get a little) but on her own terms and in her own time.
I absolutely ADORED Hudson! Cassie literally took every single quality of Rebecca and did a 180. His ability to get under her skin and repel the attitude/approach that has worked so successfully for her was endearing. He really was the perfect match for Rebecca. I mean honestly, what do you do when you are with someone who takes themselves so seriously, do the exact opposite! He knew how to push her buttons, how to bring her out of her shell, how to make her feel as if she was in charge, in control, winning even when he was better at the game than she was. Their back and forth banter kept me in stitches.
This book was truly a surprise and such a pleasant read. I didn’t think I would love it as much as I did. I will warn that it starts out fast so don’t think you are just going to casually slip into a relaxing read with a slow build. It grabs you, holds on tight, and takes you for one heck of a ride, leaving you with a satisfying smile plastered on your face and desire to read whatever Cassie writes next.