Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.
Easy Keto Cooking by Martina Šlajerová is is a cookbook and recipe collection full of keto compliant recipes inspired by a wide variety of cuisines. Due out 27th Dec 2022 from Quarto on their New Shoe Press imprint, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
The introduction covers the basics of the physiology behind blood/glucose/and insulin, as well as an intro to the keto lifestyle/diet, including a surprisingly complete primer on ketosis, macronutrients, tips, ingredients, tools, supplies, and how-to.
Ingredient measurements are supplied in imperial (American) standard units with metric measurements in parentheses (yay!). There's a conversion chart for metric measures in the appendices. Extra tips or recipe alternatives are listed in the recipes. The recipes themselves are fairly straightforward and are made for the most part with easily sourced ingredients (not all though, sweeteners and some base flours for example, will likely need to be sourced from specialists). Many seemed complex to me, as a relative neophyte, with a lot of ingredients. Beautifully prepared and tempting, but not recipes I would reach for on a weekday when I'm tired after work. These recipes will need some planning (weekend cooking + meal planning for the week to avoid being too tired to cook dinner? Maybe).
This is a nice collection of recipes and even allowing for the fact that some of them are very similar to others in the same category, this will keep keto-cooks going for ages. Many can also be adapted to be compliant with other specialist diets (fodmap, aip, etc).
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes