Book Zone Reviews
I chose to be a part of this tour because I identified with Edimorwhitimormiligimmus’ plight. In fact, I admire Edimorwhitimormiligimmus’ courage and wish I would have had at least a smidge of it myself growing up.
You see my name is not Dee it’s Diane (pronounced Dee-Ahn). After years of correcting the pronunciation, I shortened it to Dee and then wondered why people had problems seeing me for who I am.
According to google Dee means plum (Chinese) sacred or goddess (English, Scottish). Diane on the other hand means “of the Divine” or a Beautiful and pleasant gift from God.
Knowing the meaning of my name helped me reaffirm who I am as a Christian and explained to me why my life was so structured. God had specific plans for me as a part of His kingdom and was preparing me for it.
With every explanation of how his name came about, the author does an outstanding job of showing how we can gently re-educate people who choose to call us or call out of us, who and what we are not.
In the bible, a name has a meaning and this calls forth the character of the person or child. This is why we don’t call a child bad or other derogatory words, instead, we say that their behavior is unacceptable.
I wish this book was available when I was a child. My hope is that it prevents other children from going through figuring out how to correct someone in authority who is bent on changing who they are.
It may seem inconsequential, yet when we think about it, it can be the beginning of allowances that lead to us losing our identity of who God created us to be. I’m going to stop there because I feel a tangent coming on. Lol.
I enjoyed the artwork however I found the print a bit small. Although, I’m not sure if the print was so tiny because I was reading on my phone.
The key takeaway for me was:
- Know who you are
I rated this book 5 out of 5 stars!
NOTE: I received a complimentary copy of the book, however, this review was written voluntarily.