Quirky Cat
Anybody else counting down the days for Cytonic's release? Well, in the meantime, let's read Sunreach. This is the first novella set in the Skyward universe, and is written by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson. It's set following the events of Starsight, and may just help fill the gap for what has been happening in the meantime.
FM and her squad have been through a lot in the past few months. They've lost teammates. They've picked up the fight that has been going on for generations. Then Spensa disappeared on a dangerous mission, and nobody quite knows where she is.
They know that the Galactic Superiority won't leave them alone. Humans are considered too dangerous for that. So FM, Jorgen, and the rest are going to have to find a way to defend their planet. Perhaps the slugs Jorgen found can be of some use?
“But I still wondered: if we didn't matter as individuals, then what were we saving the group for?”
First, can I just say that I love the idea of this novella series focusing on a different character for each story? There are so many characters in this series, and many of them deserve more 'screen time' than they've gotten.
Hence, my delight at getting to read from FM's perspective in Sunreach. As I mentioned above, this novella takes place almost immediately following the events of Starsight. I know I can't be the only one curious to see what's happening with Spensa, right?
Unfortunately, her team don't exactly have any answers. What they do have is an ongoing war, and a small army of adorable and semi-intelligent slugs. So, that's something...right? But seriously, this novella was actually a lot of fun to read.
“I feel like I should tell you," Jorgen said over the radio, "that I now have a slug on each shoulder and three on my lap, all seeming vaguely uncomfortable that I'm touching them. I blame you, FM.”
Sunreach showed the many sides of the war that's happening back home. Both out in space – and on the surface. Not all of the remaining humans want to follow along with the same plan. Sounds about right, doesn't it?
I loved the added politics and concerns. I feel like all of that will quickly become relevant, so I'm glad that I didn't skip on the novellas (why would I?). Also, if you've been dying to learn more about the slugs (guilty!), then you've gotta read this book! It's worth it, I promise.
Next up is ReDawn, another novella in the series. At the time of writing this review (I'm behind,I know), ReDawn is already out and available to read. It follows a surprising perspective – Alanik. Following ReDawn will be Cytonic! Woo!
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