Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jul 7, 2018
Will the Carson siblings ever find their parents?
The Memory Tree by John A Heldt is another fabulous book by a wonderful author. Each of his series makes me feel for the characters. This one we have a bit more point-of-views mixed in with the siblings and I don’t mind it as it actually makes sense for all of them to be in this wonderful book. I did get frustrated with a few parts of it, however, I know that conflict has to have happened for a reason and there is a good reason for it.
Adam and Bridget
Adam mostly hanged back and hoped that his parents would come to Minnesota so that he can intercept them there. He was more mellow and wanting to spend time with Bridget. Some wonderfully good things happen to Adam and his wife, Bridget, in this book and I am very happy for them. Well, some good things happen to them and some bad things happen to them as well. Bridget was mostly the same as in the first book. She has had to get used to the new time and be able to help the other siblings if they needed some advice.
Greg had more of a role in this book as compared to the first book. He still flirts with and knows how to make the ladies feel special. In this one, he goes to Mexico to try and find his parents there. Like always some stuff has to happen to make his job of finding his parents a lot more difficult than it did last time. Greg, in this book, does find someone that he is thinking about doing something with. Can’t exactly say anything as it will probably spoil the book but it’s a good something. Greg just needs to stay out of trouble and out of the limelight if possible.
Natalie is the same but different from the first book. She is still going to be a journalist as that will never stop. Even if that means that she has to go to a war zone. That right there calls for a big oops. The way she is different is that she is still grieving from losing Sam Prentiss and doesn’t want to do anything just quite yet about finding someone. Natalie meets some great people in her travels. Thankfully though this Carson sibling is trying not to find love again but of course that doesn’t always work. To some of the people that she did meet she is able to slowly open her heart again to love.
Cody and Caitlin
Cody is still upset about having to let go of Emma Bauer. Caitlin is the same as in the first one but she, just like Bridget, gives advice to a new character that needed it. The twins go to Gettysburg to meet their great-great-great grandfather and to intercept their parents if they go by that way. These two are still the same two characters who just want to go home with their parents one day soon and to stop this game of time travel tag.
Five Stars
The Memory Tree by John A Heldt is a fabulous book and I can’t wait to read the next book. Even if I have to wait until next year. The siblings each have a good place in my heart. The next book is going to be set in 1943 which should be a pretty fun year to read about. Although, to me all the years that the Carson siblings go to our pretty wonderful.
I may have figured out how in each book the author has decided to have which sibling will fall in love next. However, since it might not be actually true I will keep it to myself for now. I am giving this book a five-star review as it was that good. I will also recommend this book to anyone that loves historical romance and time travel. So, check it out.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove