Kim Deister
Written on Aug 20, 2013
The suspense level was kicked up a notch or ten in this installment, with twists and turns that I never saw coming! The intrigue is twisting and turning and totally engaging. The creepy feeling persists throughout this book, too, which is something I love. I enjoyed that there were so many gray areas in the story, keeping me from knowing who was "bad" or "good." That really added to the anticipation of the story.
Things to love about Paper Dolls...
--The depth of the story. The plot is extremely well-crafted with all of those tiny hints that make so much sense later on in the story.
--The creepy factor. I lost sleep and I don't mind!
--The creative use of that which is real and that which isn't. She used realities seamlessly to create possibilities that the reader would normally dismissed as unrealistic.
My recommendation: This is a great read for anyone who loves suspenseful horror. The first book, Dollhouse, should definitely be read prior to Paper Dolls.