Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 16, 2021
Will the Mes be able to fix the Rip?
Average Me
Average Me is back and ready to get his life back. Well, as back as one kid can be while being in Juvie. Average Me ends up going on a roller coaster of emotions as things just happen throughout the whole time that he is skipping to different Earths to fix things. He tries his best to figure things out, especially his fizz connection. What I like about Average Me is that he really is trying his hardest to be good so that he can not only get out of juvie but to be good with all the other Mes looking to him. Average Me tries to be just an average person, but he is anything but average, which he is learning about more in this installment.
The Mes
All of the Mes are back, especially with more Mes coming forward. We met at least four or five more Mes in various parts of the book. Besides Caveman Me, who we met at the end of the last book, he has more of a role in this one. Meticulous Me is still here and still being a pain in the butt. Sadly though, Meticulous Me is trying to fix what he started even if he doesn't know how to do that on his own just quite yet. The Mes we met in the last book are still there as well, and some are having fun while others not so much.
Five Stars
Enough About Me by SG Wilson is the second book in Me vs. the Multiverse, and who knows if it is the last one. Mr. Wilson has done a great job on this one as well. I like the way he created the different Earths, and still, everything about them is great. Especially the different Mes with their unique sayings. I love it a lot. Therefore, I am giving it five stars. And recommending it to everyone.
Me vs. the Multiverse Series
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Enough About Me by SG Wilson.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove