Written on Nov 16, 2020
This collection is fantastic. The themes vary, ranging through the parts of Valentine's identity, and her voice and craft comes through in all of them, whether she's processing motherhood, Blackness, romance, or the way these intersect. This is so illuminating for someone like me with a very different identity, not just because of specific insights, but because Valentine draws us in and encourages us to empathize. Read this; you'll love her, and that will help you understand the world you share with her better.
Full disclosure: I'm the co-publisher of the company publishing this book. I chose it because I love it, so that doesn't change my review, but you can take it with a grain of salt if you choose to.
Full disclosure: I'm the co-publisher of the company publishing this book. I chose it because I love it, so that doesn't change my review, but you can take it with a grain of salt if you choose to.