Written on Nov 8, 2012
hey brush it off and head home. When they go to sleep that night, all three teenagers are met by the instructor and are schooled in every form of karate/meditation/dialects of Chinese and a personal weapon. Henry, it is a sword that has green light emitting from it. Sue has a golden ring that expands and duplicates. Liz....she wields a calligraphy pen.
Then begins the adventure of a lifetime. From battling backpack vampires and monsters to learning that they were predestined to fight evil to the final scenes, this book takes you on a wild ride.
I did like the book, alot, and thought it was ready well written. I just didn't like the kids' characters until the last couple of chapters. Liz, Henry and Sue got on my nerves. Actually, mainly Sue got on my nerves. All she did (until the end) was scream/cry and have to be rescued. I wanted to reach into the book and go "Girlfriend, you were taught these powers. Flipping use them!!!!!".
Will I reccomend this book to family and friends? Yes
Will I read this book again? Yes.