Quirky Cat
Written on Jan 9, 2019
Thankfully it looks like it’s going to take the former path, at least from the looks of this issue. Our main character has more to deal with than ever before, including what is possibly the biggest reveal of her life. But instead of wallowing in it, she toughens up and deals with the situation. I respect that.
I really want to learn more about the paragon system. I mean that both in the magical sense (how the abilities work, how they’re organized, what part the jewels play in it) and in the political sense. It almost looks like they have their own factions, and each faction has a specialty and a political preference/opinion. I can infer that much, however, I’d like a chance to see that all in action. I’m hoping the next few issues will do exactly that.
The artwork in this issue was beautiful, as always. I love the use of all the bold and bright colors. It’s not something you see every day, and when it’s coupled with beautiful linework…well, let’s just say I’m sold.