Cocktails and Books
Written on Nov 15, 2014
The way the charterers develop and interact is believable and enjoyable. The ending isn't all cliff hangar but does leave you wanting to read the next in the series but the characters of the book are left in a place that you will love. The ending was perfect in my opinion. I love how Vanessa's family handles the outcome and how they are different that even she herself knows. The love and devotion you feel in this and her other books between the characters in each others family's, the friends and fellow towns folk. Treasure Cove and the residents come alive and make you want to seek this town and the people out. Peter is the strong one, Carter the scared one and Brice the loving giant all men that you would love to have chasing after you individually or as a team effort. All of the characters come alive and are relatable and people you would love to know. Her Dirty Mechanics was a great book and worth every dime. The book also introduced me to characters that I am hoping that Rebecca will be releasing books about as well.
Reviewed by Gwen for Cocktails and Books