Cocktails and Books
Written on Dec 24, 2014
"Angel's Shield" is about...well...angels. Specifially, two gorgeous angels, Haniel and Jeremiel, who are best best friends on the hunt for demons. Tired after so much traveling, they find themselves in a small town diner where they meet the woman who will complete them. The connection is pretty much instant, and the chemestry is
palpable. I don't want to give away the whole story, so let me just say that the three of them, when they're together, are very formidable demon destroyers. The rest? You have to read it for yourselves. I mean that.
This book isn't very long, so things need to happen quickly. However, you won't break your neck with the speed. There is a nice buildup, and the payoff is VERY satisfying. The relationship between the two men is explored, and it turns out to be very sweet. Each man has a differenty type of relationship with Charmeine, but each are caring and warm. Oh, and I should mention that it's all so sexy!!
I just loved this story. I know it sounds like I'm gushing, but it's true. I devoured it in less than two hours, even though it was 2:00 am. I didn't want to put it down, and the drowsiness that I'm feeling today was totally worth it. Please do yourselves a favor and pick this one up. It is a very pleasant little surprise.
Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books