Cocktails and Books
Written on May 30, 2015
I loved this book. I can't think of any other words to say it. "An Appetite for Blackmail" was as close to perfect as an erotic romance could be. Seriously. Amazing! Fantastic! Spellbinding! HAWT!!!
Ace Easton is everything I want in a hero...smart, gorgeous, romantic (but not above a little bit of well...blackmail), and oh so sexy. He wants to save the world, but he has a few demons. Don't we all, though? He made me laugh, cry, shiver, and swoon, and even though it's only the end of May, he's one of my favorite heroes of 2015...maybe even of all time.
Harper Matthews is also smart and gorgeous. She made a little bit of a mistake, though, and winds up paying for it. I'm pretty sure I would pay for it too. Willingly. I liked her very much. She reminded me a bit of myself. She was uncertain and self conscious, and just couldn't seem to believe that someone like Ace could actually be attracted to her.
Their chemistry is instant, even if the situation isn't exactly ideal. These two are just so hot together. Ace introduces Harper to such wonderful delights, and not even just in the bedroom. Of course, their bedroom scenes are just so deliciously delightful ;-)
Along with the romance, I love the concept of this new series. It's unique and interesting. I have always had a thing for post apocalyptic stories and the science behind trying to rescue the world. It's obvious that Ms. Tate did a lot of research into the weather and what can happen when people try to interfere with it. Ace and some of his friends have come together to find the parties responsible for destroying the earth's climates and to begin rebuilding them. I can't wait to read future installments...not only for the guaranteed sexy romance, but for more information about who the hackers are. This is a definite must read.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.