Written on Feb 6, 2019
I love this author, and I loved Madeline in the previous book, so I a was super excited to start this one. Alas, there were a couple of issues I had with it right off the bat. Strike one; I am just not a fan of uber manwhores anymore. IT HAS BEEN DONE TO DEATH. This hero was supposed to be 30, but he had the maturity level of a teenager. I am even less of a fan when his immaturity and whoring around is the catalyst for the entire story. Strike two; the heroine was two years older than the hero. I hate the whole older women/younger man trope, and yes even though it is just two years, it lessened my enjoyment. What can I say...I am picky like that!
So needless to say, I struggled a bit with this one. I never warmed up to Nathaniel. He just wasn't a likable hero (for me) for most of the book. As I mentioned above, I just found him very immature. Madeline on the other hand I LOVED. Girlfriend was FIERCE, and I loved that she was short (like me). As much as I disliked Nathaniel, I'll admit the banter between these two was fantastic, and they had amazing sexual chemistry. This author knows how to write and the book is definitely well written and well paced. The plot kept me engaged, even if it wasn't all that original. The fake girlfriend, enemies to lovers trope, is a popular one and in that regard, there wasn't anything new here. I've read slight variations on this plot 5000 times already. That said, it still managed to keep me entertained nonetheless. Neither were virgins. There was a good bit of OW drama (what exactly was the point of Cecile??) in this one (which again I am COMPLETELY over at this point), but no OM drama. This was a pretty slow burn, and there isn't any sex until 55% into the book. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet (if slightly) rushed ending.
So ya, another mixed bag for me. I seem to be stuck in mixed bag territory lately. However, I am still very much a fan of this author and hopefully, her next one will be a solid hit for me.