Written on Apr 11, 2019
I usually really like this author a lot. She writes very enjoyable M/M books that are well written, low angst, and easy to read. That said, this one didn't "WOW" me. I think maybe it was because it was so short, but the story felt choppy and underdeveloped. Stuff is thrown at us in the beginning (a kiss, parent drama), and then suddenly it is FOUR YEARS later? Four years and nothing happened between them? And it wasn't like they were apart. They LIVED together. Hung out together. Saw each other EVERY day for those four years. Honestly, I am not even sure why the story needed to be set four years after the beginning of the book? It didn't seem to be necessary to the plot, and it left a pretty large hole in the story. It also left me wondering whether either had slept with other people in that four years??
So yea, this one wasn't this author's best work. However, I still love her to bits and will definitely give the next book in the series a try.