Written on Oct 9, 2016
This butcher is very busy with custom orders for his BIG meat ;-)
I’m becoming quite a fan of Paige Conners style of writing. Big Meat was witty, sexy and very thought provoking. A couple of things made me stop in my tracks with a genuine need for reflection. Not in a bad way, though, just in a – I’ve been faced with something I’ve never really thought of – kind of way.
The first time I was pulled out of the story was when the heroine, Lindsay, shared a picture of the hero, Anthony, to social media. It was then picked up and shared in a list of hot guys with beards. Now, Anthony is not exactly stoked with his business being overrun with women wanting his big meat. Hmmm…Sassy (I know, I’m Sassy, but let’s pretend to blame Sassy for this one) likes to share hot guys on social media. No, I don’t take pictures of random hot guys and share to social media, but someone obviously took that photo. Maybe I’m…I mean Sassy is making some poor hot guy uncomfortable because random women are asking to see his big meat. I may need some more study and reflection on this one.
The second time I was pulled out of the story was when I got to the part where bits and pieces were exposed to each other for the first time. Oh, My Lordy!! Ummm…it seems Anthony is a mighty one with his own need for a crown and maybe a ladder might be needed to reach the top (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). So, being the curious chickie that I am, I went a-googling. Holy Shamoly!! Some things… Ahhh…I mean some bits and pieces that are shared…(clears throat and shudders). I kind of wish that the things I saw could be unseen. It wasn’t the thing that I wanted to see that made me shake and shudder, it was the things around the thing. I know I’m not making any sense, but it’s amazing what comes up when you type in certain words (my skin is crawling just thinking about it). Leason learned.
Now, Big Meat is not just about fun and frivolity and playing with Anthony’s big meat, there is a serious side to it. Lindsay suffers from PTSD. Her triggers have made having and maintaining a relationship almost impossible. Anthony and Lindsay have known each other for years so Anthony is not unaware of her issues. What makes this story so sweet is that Anthony never sees her issues negatively. He is amazed at her strength and courage dealing with it. Before Anthony even knew her full story he was determined to wait until she was ready to let him in.
Lindsay has a wee touch of OCD with her PTSD. She sees her issues as being a deterrent to any kind of relationship. The only one she has managed to have is with her best friend Frankie. Seeing as Frankie has her own type of issues, she feels she can be herself with her. Anthony has known Frankie even longer than Lindsay so never resents their close friendship. Lindsay thinks Anthony won’t be able to hack it in the end, but she has no idea how determined he will be to make her his.
Seriously, while this storyline does deal with an underlying serious issue, it never felt too serious. Anthony is a big man with a heart of gold, extremely good looking, possessive and protective. He had his sights set on Lindsay, waited patiently for her to be ready, then slowly infiltrated her barriers. Lindsay always had one eye on Anthony. She never dreamed he would take a risk on her but is thankful that she took a chance trusting him.
Hearts aflutter, happy smiles and some seriously interesting and thought to provoke moments made Big Meat a great read. Paige Conners will definitely be an author I’ll be keeping my eye on in the future.
To buy Big Meat from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2d3VsmM
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -