Written on Jan 4, 2015
I honestly started this book thinking I would be reading something light and fluffy. The first half of the book I got exactly what I expected, the second half was like the author decided to scrap her original storyline and go for something completely different.
I know that Garrett wasn't going to be clean cut and sweet, he was going to be damaged and hiding, but this guy was Dark with a capital D. We get his thoughts and they are not good. He admits he is a stalker in love who luckily for him gets the girl.
Our leading lady smiles, laughs and loves with her whole heart, says sweet and beautiful things making me think she is just so nice...until she's not. She's happy to have her boyfriend fix his problems with violence and not have the police involved, she also lets children become involved in his lies.
I will warn that there is lots of OTT violence not just implied but described and the person doing the violence is telling you what his feeling are while doing it. It was just too much.
The worst part is up to the 60% mark I'm still raving to my friends that this is a sweet and lovely read...sorry my lovelies.
I don't know what to say. There were some really good bits in this book until all the sweetness was sucked out. Not sure if I would read more from this author.
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