Written on Jan 14, 2019
I enjoyed the short but sweet step back in time reading A Perfectly Scandalous Proposal. The characters were interesting and I liked seeing them interact as kids and later as adults. I was completely sucked into the storyline but felt that it was a little too short. I'm not a big fan of buying a book (knowing it's short already) for it to then finish at the 84% mark.
I think I'm losing my mind. I'm pretty sure the blurb says she advertises in the paper for a husband, and I don't remember that at all. I thought she gave a list of requirements to her solicitor/man of business, for him to find a suitable candidate. Like I said, maybe I skimmed that part.
A Perfectly Scandalous Proposal was a good introduction to this author's work but calling it "Book 6" is a stretch. This was originally published in an Anthology from what I understand but the author claims to have added on to it.
If this series was to go on sale, I will definitely consider buying more from the Redeemable Rogues series.