Written on Dec 3, 2015
It seems our beloved favourite author Kate Stewart kept a little secret from us. Kate Stewart is Angelica Chase...or is it Angelica Chase is Kate Stewart. What once was a pen name for her kinky side (Hello Angelica Chase...you naughty, naughty girl) Kate is now OWNING IT. She's giving us her sweet and her kinky sides.
Below is my original review. If you're interested you can get it for less than a dollar...BARGAIN!! -- http://amzn.to/2p1T9es --
From the beginning to the end, Mum knows best.
I started Sexual Awakenings with my arms folded across my chest and my face scrunched up in distaste. A book with cheating...I don't read THOSE types of books. I was sure a series that started with cheating couldn't hold my interest. It was a short read, the first instalment was free and I was a little curious to see whether THIS series could change my mind. I got sucked in. The Waltz taught me that not all cheating stories are the same. Yeppers...this year has been full of revelations.
What leads a woman to cheat? A disgusting, self-serving, cheating, b@stard of a husband might have something to do with it. Look, to be honest, I'm no convert. Cheating is still a big no-no for me. I'm happily married and don't necessarily get how people stay in toxic relationships as long as they do. In this case, I REALLY didn't get it. Violet knew she was divorcing Alex, was getting nothing from the relationship and knew she could financially support herself. But, I'm not in that position, so I can't say for certain what I would do.
Getting past the cheating, which was a smidgen of the story, this erotic tale is the journey Violet takes in exploring her sexuality and the dominant who forces her awakening. We get to see ALL of Rhys (the Dom) and how he came to own a sex club, hold a nine to five job and keep a secret that rules his life. Violet's awakening isn't just sexual, she also realises she has to be happy in her own skin again.
There were plenty of things this couple must face and overcome, but the author shows her skill by not making it all hearts and flowers, but based in reality. This couple can't fix their problems with a kiss or a bump and grind. They do get their feelings hurt and sulk about it. Secrets, lies and deception nearly cause this couple to call it quits a few times. Two things eventually help them...communication and Violet's Mum. Listen to your Mum kiddos, she's been around the block a time or two.
I ended up really enjoying this series. The author brings some reality and some seriously HOT kink to the pages. It was easy to read, intense and thoroughly riveting. I will definitely be reading more from this author.