Written on Sep 17, 2019
Book 7 and this time we are focusing on newbie Primose and her hunt for her biological Grandma. I have been worried that when the books did not focus on the original trio of Fen, Ellie or Jaz that I would not still love the series. If anything I love the series more, ok there was no Jaz in this book a brief mention but the new characters hold their own and they are fantastic additions to the series.
Rosie knows the formula to write a successful novella and she does not deviate from it. A couple of star crossed lovers and a couple of twists to boot, all make for a happy and cute ending….so you hope!
Primrose’s story is one of trying to find the missing piece of the puzzle in her life, she has lost her parents and recently she lost her Grandma. The reminiscing and the scenes of clearing out the old farm had me in buckets of tears. It got to a stage where I had to stop reading as I could not read the words on the page!! All the while the hunt for her birth grandma was heartbreaking, a few misdirections are thrown in and a lot of longing to find out who the mysterious woman is and generally just calling out for a happy ending for Primose.
While we have this, we finally get to see how Fen is getting on in Battle of the Bakes, has she got enough to win the competition? I love that every Tuesday everyone gathers in the Café to watch the episodes as a community. This is one thing that I absolutely adore about the novellas and makes me want to up sticks and move to Sunnybrook, everyone is so welcoming and these girls all become a family. They are there for each other, they support and they love each other. It just gives me all the warm and fuzzies! Plus the upcoming pending wedding of Ellie and Zak is getting closer! Eeek I cannae wait for one! Wish it was a real wedding we could go to – ho-hum.
It is a heartwarming story and one to make your heart sing, for someone who is an old fashioned romantic then this is the perfect book to get cosy up on the sofa and lose yourself for an hour or so. I for one can not wait for the next instalment. Please, Rosie, do not stop writing about the girls and Sunnybrook!!