Written on Feb 22, 2020
This is my 2nd. [a:Jade West|10681321|Jade West|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1429497078p2/10681321.jpg] book - and what an introduction yeh? oh...sweet...darkness...
The only forewarning you get should really tell us all about what gritty filthy kinky slick darkness awaits on these tender pages... nothing really prepares you though...
As always, this is a Jade West novel.
You have been warned.
This is kinky fckery with so many triggers and taboos it's not for the faint-hearted. If you ever read [a:Marissa Honeycutt|8306428|Marissa Honeycutt|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1472928523p2/8306428.jpg] you will have a fair idea of what you will be going into.
That's not to say this series will be full of torture and death, book 1 so far has more introduced us to the ...business of online dark web snuff porn.
The girls go into a...business arrangement...a contract...and are paid at the end of the 60 days with no lasting physical damage. Can't say for their mental state though, hehe - I think that's an entirely different matter!
We do find out though that there is a far more sinister and dark entourage coming and a vastly worse puppet master here than our dear Alphahole Underworld Anti Hero, also known as Brandon.
The writing is very very good and so is the world-building. Even with the dark erotica of this book and it's borderline sexual torture scenes, dub-con and underlying hints of worse to come - I still couldn't put it down. There's just something about Jade's writing that makes you keep turning the pages and...take it all.
5-dark-gritty-smutty-snuff stars for this book.
But be warned. When we say it's got triggers? You should not take that lightly.
I can't wait to continue with book 2 [b:Buy My Soul|42237564|Buy My Soul (Sixty Days #2)|Jade West|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1538997659l/42237564._SY75_.jpg|65844177].
I would highly recommend just buying the whole box set The Sixty Days Box Set: Sell My Soul, Buy My Soul, Own My Soul! It's free on KU and you get all 3 books in one book. 3