Written on Mar 12, 2014
- I loved how there was no misunderstanding between them in this book. They had enough going around them and didn't need extra him-going-on-his-knees-for-forgiveness-for-a-fuck-up thing, and I loved that...Read more
Look what I found - my old notes on this book!:
- I loved how there was no misunderstanding between them in this book. They had enough going around them and didn't need extra him-going-on-his-knees-for-forgiveness-for-a-fuck-up thing, and I loved that it didn't happen. I was kind of anxious it might, and heaved a breath of relief when it didn't.
-What slightly pissed me off was Connor's behavior toward her job. I get he doesn't want her hurt, but what a caveman view; that she should fetch his drinks and let those jobs to men. It's what she loves to do, so let her do it. You're so worried, then stick around her like glue and make sure she'll be okay. There did seem to be a change in his actions regarding that by the end of the book, but I wish I'd seen that change in his thoughts too.
-Can I add that this is the one NFH book I can't seem to recall a single thing about?? I just read the three latest novels in the series and tried (unsuccessfully) to recall what the third was about. I remember Jason and Haley. I adore Trevor and Zoe. I even remember the plot of Truce (if not their names). But this book?? Total blank! When I read the notes above it did trigger something (especially about her and his job), but boy...
- I loved how there was no misunderstanding between them in this book. They had enough going around them and didn't need extra him-going-on-his-knees-for-forgiveness-for-a-fuck-up thing, and I loved that it didn't happen. I was kind of anxious it might, and heaved a breath of relief when it didn't.
-What slightly pissed me off was Connor's behavior toward her job. I get he doesn't want her hurt, but what a caveman view; that she should fetch his drinks and let those jobs to men. It's what she loves to do, so let her do it. You're so worried, then stick around her like glue and make sure she'll be okay. There did seem to be a change in his actions regarding that by the end of the book, but I wish I'd seen that change in his thoughts too.
-Can I add that this is the one NFH book I can't seem to recall a single thing about?? I just read the three latest novels in the series and tried (unsuccessfully) to recall what the third was about. I remember Jason and Haley. I adore Trevor and Zoe. I even remember the plot of Truce (if not their names). But this book?? Total blank! When I read the notes above it did trigger something (especially about her and his job), but boy...