Don't worry, Picture Perfect isn't one of those fixed by the power of love books. Yes, Nate does play a part in Cat's coming to terms with her new body and self-perception, but it's ultimately her that takes control of the situation. Cat starts by talking to her best friend. Hooray for supportive friends! She then goes to see a counselor, who suggests the nude modeling to regain her confidence. And then Nate enters the picture and is completely smitten with Cat. They have a real connection, have fun together, and he helps her find activities that make her feel strong and capable, but don't put a strain on her bad leg. They just work, and you can see Cat becoming more and more comfortable with herself after meeting him. But, good things never last.
Of course there's the inevitable fight in Picture Perfect. Things with Nate seem too good to be true, and then Cat finds something that just crushes her. It completely rattles her self esteem, but I liked how the author used the fight as a way for Cat to take back her life. She may feel sexy and confident with Nate, but she also needs to feel that way without him. Cat took those feelings and channeled them into her goals. I also loved how Nate wasn't totally villainized (I mean, they do have to get back together for a happily ever after!). It just goes to show how sometimes we get caught up in our own problems, that we don't even see how others are affected by the same pressures as us. Nate's explanation is what caused the first tears to flow. Then their make up made cry from happiness.
Picture Perfect was just wonderful. It's all about loving yourself, and accepting who you are. Our minds and bodies aren't static things, they change all the time, and we must adapt. Cat kept clinging to the skinny, super hot girl that she was, that she was totally missing out on what life could be just because she's a few sizes larger. The romance was sexy and sweet and amazing! And I loved that the author included some parts that show how men are affected by standards of beauty just as women are.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.