Written on Jun 22, 2021
- I was actually quite disappointed with House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland. While there's a sinister atmosphere and growing tension throughout, it fell quite flat for me in the end.
- House of Hollow is a mystery and a horror in one. What happened to the Hollow sisters when they disappeared years ago? What's happened to Grey this time? And who is the strange man wearing the skull of bull that seems to be following Iris?
- I was intrigued by the mystery, though the what of the story was pretty obviously from fairly early on, so it was the why and the how that I was looking forward to. But the big reveal was massively disappointing. Most of my questions weren't answered, and I felt the build up should have led to something bigger than what we got.
- The horror element was also really disappointing. The scariest aspects of the story happen off page, so we never actually see them. There's all this build up that doesn't really lead to very much.
- House of Hollow wasn't for me, but do read some other reviews before deciding whether or not to read it yourself.