Written on Oct 10, 2018
This book was quite frankly awesome. I know it seems I use that term a lot lately but I picked this up and didn’t want to put it down. I wanted to know why there was a woman hanging in the woods with no shoes. I wanted to know what was happening with Dean! Beth! The prisoners! Rocky!
Before I go on about this book, the real star of this book is Rocky the dog! I loved this dog he was a trooper and a great asset and friend to Officer Dean Matheson. He reminded me of the greats K-9 and Turner and Hooch just adorable and funny at the same time.
Some of the scenes were unsettling and I did find my hand flying to my mouth in shock at times (don’t worry no eyes or teeth were hurt with this reading!). I could not believe the behaviour of one of the characters, they chilled me to the core. How they were so sinister when you were reading from their POV in the book and how they were perceived by other people when you are reading from other POV was immense. The fact there was no moral ground for this character and how devoid emotion they were just made them even more sinister. How could they trick so many people, not me though Ah-Ha!
I loved that Dean was flawed and I mean seriously flawed. Letting his pants do the talking a bit too much sometimes, ignoring facts in front of him…because of his pants. I spent a few chapters shouting at him as I could see things he couldn’t and he needed to know!! However, despite him being classed as a womaniser, I was still drawn to him. Being hit with revelations after the event with his wife did make me feel for him when he discovered some truths. The poor guy and what he went through. It was truly sad, and even though this was an intense thriller my eyes welled up.
However, I didn’t care that I knew who was doing these shocking murders, I didn’t have all the facts why. So it made me raced through this book, as time was of the essence willing the other characters to hurry up and cotton on! God, it is hard to talk about the storyline without letting anything slip…so I’m going to stop!
When I finished reading, I laid there thinking I need more Dean and Rocky, Rocky and Dean, please let me have another book. Well low and behold in the acknowledgements I spied some words from the author that this would be a series! Hang on… happy dance needs to be done…ok it’s out my system temporarily!
I don’t know how long I will have to wait (please don’t be too long!) but I can’t wait to catch up with everyone again! I will say for the record Miller was a despicable man! He disgusts me, he was grotesque and glad that he didn’t get away with anything with the boss!
This book is superbly creepy! And if it wasn’t let’s just add a cabin in the woods to help with that! I could feel the cold and hear the whines of the wind in that empty wood as I was completely immersed in the story. Time stood still and it was just me and the words on the page as they screamed at me to keep reading. Teasing me with snippets of the truth knowing it would entice me to not stop reading. Hats off to Wendy, she has created a new series I really want to invest my time in, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to read this book.
I really do recommend this book to everyone who loves a good thriller. I also love that there is enough material in this book alone to set up further books in the series, I can’t wait to see where we go with this!!