Written on Apr 29, 2015
This book picks up only minutes after the first book ends. So we get to see how that adventure wraps up, and then the new one starts creeping in. I loved the interactions between Rachel and Gaius, even if I occasionally wanted to smack Rachel. She picked the way I wanted her to pick in the end, so it's all good.
We got to know some of the secondary characters better in this book. I think I actually might end up liking Von Dread. Though as the book went on, I started liking Princess Nastasia less and less. She's supposedly Rachel's friend, but she sure doesn't tend to treat Rachel well for a good bit of this book.
Sigfried is as brash and focused on battle and killing as ever, though Rachel does come up with some new insights about him as well.
I like how Rachel isn't perfect at everything, despite her photographic memory. She struggles with some forms of magic, but forces herself to keep practicing. We don't see much of Mistletoe (her cat familiar) in this book either. But she does finally see that he won't be following in the pawsteps of his family line.
I really liked the first book in this series, but I think this second book outshines it. If you haven't read these books yet, you need to go do so.
This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon