Written on Nov 23, 2017
It’s hard not to compare this to the previous book. Marlie is a very different heroine than Elle. For one, she’s led a very sheltered life as the illegitimate daughter of a well-respected white family. Most of her life revolves around her mixing medicines in her set of rooms in the attic. While very different from Elle, Marlie shows her strength in her own ways, in her insistence on being self-sufficient. But while I loved her, it was Ewan who was the true heart of the book for me.
Oh, Ewan! From the very first, I realized that Ewan was on the autism spectrum.
“I have always been the odd boy, the strange young man. I asked too many questions, or turned the conversation to things that pleased me and bored everyone else. Easily frustrated and eternally restless.”
I’ve read a few romances with neurodivergent heroes, and Ewan is one of the best in terms of speaking to my experiences with people with autism – his reliance on a Greek philosophy book for his set of moral rules, his difficulties with emotions, his frustration at interacting with other people. Sometimes, when authors write characters who are “different,” you end up feeling like they’re overemphasizing the disability over the person. In this case, Ms. Cole did a wonderful job of presenting Ewan as he is, as a human being and not just a disability. Ewan’s confusion at his developing relationship with Marlie, and his attempt to apply logic to their relationship, brought me to tears several times.
In terms of themes, this book went further than the first in exploring social issues around the Civil War. While I felt the interracial relationship was the core of the first book, in this one, it’s more of the justifications behind the war and the reaction to it from blacks and whites, both for and against the war. It’s about learning to rely on others, about respecting family history – and family secrets. That’s not to say the book is all heavy stuff – there’s quite a bit of laugh out loud humor. What it does mean is that this is a book that’ll stick with you long after you’ve finished it.
“[C]lose your eyes and listen to your heart, which may lead you astray but will always guide you to the path you were meant to take.”
This is easily one of my top-5 books of 2017. Highly recommended!
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review.