Written on Dec 27, 2017
>Friends w/ benefits
>Friends to lovers
>MC is half-Chinese and her father’s side. Supporting characters in w/w relationship.
>Appreciate the Taoist balance
>I’m glad it’s not Christian centered.
>Action PACKED. Gory. Boasting & threats.
>Appreciate how it handles addiction and media image
>YAY therapy!!
>YAY team building and bonding!
>You can tell it was written by a gamer, not someone trying too hard or moralizing for the kids.
>Love how they strategized and ran it through, but I think one training way would be standard honestly...
>Ending gives closure to threads with an open ending I can’t wait to see where it picks up from
>Didn’t like this
.“ I toss my arms up. ‘You need a room, ladies? Let’s go.’”.in response to two alpha males squaring off. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen again and I didn’t highlight any other problematic stuff.
>Favorite Quote:
.Nothing like seeking your own insides to make you feel mortal. Nothing like coming back to life to make you feel like a god..